Privilégiant les chemins de traverse aux itinéraires balisés, les Editions Alternatives ont publié depuis 1975 plus de 500 titres : écologie pratique, architecture, design, photo, calligraphie, écritures, guides pratiques go-myanimelist alternatives and similar packages Based on the "Third-party APIs" category. github. 9.6 8.6 go-myanimelist VS github Go library for accessing the GitHub API. Users in MyAnimeList can add anime to their lists, and mark it as plan to watch, completed, watching, dropped…, and they can also rate it by score 1-10. Note: All information gathered here are publicly available, there was no need to be registered anywhere to access the data. MyAnimeList Alternatives With the recent issues with anime listing and database website MyAnimeList (MAL), people have started scrambling for alternatives. The site was completely down for some time, eventually returning with numerous features being disabled.
Alternatives to MyAnimeList. Kitsu. Kitsu (formerly Hummingbird)
Users in MyAnimeList can add anime to their lists, and mark it as plan to watch, completed, watching, dropped…, and they can also rate it by score 1-10. Note: All information gathered here are publicly available, there was no need to be registered anywhere to access the data. MyAnimeList Alternatives With the recent issues with anime listing and database website MyAnimeList (MAL), people have started scrambling for alternatives. The site was completely down for some time, eventually returning with numerous features being disabled. Alternatives est une organisation de solidarité qui œuvre pour la justice et l’équité au Québec, au Canada et ailleurs dans le monde. Notre mission vise la mise en réseau, la promotion et la construction d’initiatives novatrices des mouvements populaires et sociaux luttant en faveur des droits économiques, sociaux, politiques, culturels et environnementaux. alternatives. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets. Skip to content. All gists Back to GitHub. Sign in Sign up Instantly share code, notes, and snippets. cheeaun / Last active Jul 2, 2018. St
That's right, all the lists of alternatives are crowd-sourced, and that's what makes the data powerful and relevant. Feel free to send us your questions and feedback at , in our forums or on social media. Follow us on Facebook , Twitter or Instagram or chat with us on Discord. This is build DEV. 03/10/2019
MyAnimeList Dataset contains 300k users, 14k anime metadata, and 80mil. ratings from
Société spécialisée dans l’étude et l’agencement de cabinet dentaire, l’installation le dépannage et l’entretien de tout le matériel dentaire du cabinet. Il se nomme MyAnimeList et il se présente comme la plus grande base de données de mangas et animés japonais.Un site donc utile pour les amateurs d’entre vous, où vous pourrez y trouver une foule de titres avec des notations et commentaires, plus des fiches des personnages. Qu’est-ce que l’ITAD ? IT Asset Disposal. Il s’agit de la gestion de vos équipements informatiques obsolètes ou en fin de vie. L’ITAD englobe plusieurs notions prépondérantes et contraignantes dans votre chaine de responsabilités internes, 9 points · 4 years ago Hummingbird is probably the biggest alternative, but personally, I just don't engage with people on any level over at MAL…
7 May 2020 MyAnimeList UWP client that enables you to do pretty much anything you can on the official website, but from a sleek, intuitive desktop app. 30 Dec 2019 Animeland and its top 6 best Animeland Alternatives Anime — top 5 Best Anime Of All Time, best anime movies,My Anime List, myanimelist.